Introduction to Logic

Exercise 8.3 - Consistency

Consider a version of the Blocks World with just three blocks - a, b, and c. The on relation is axiomatized below.

¬on(a,a)   on(a,b)   ¬on(a,c)
¬on(b,a)   ¬on(b,b)   on(b,c)
¬on(c,a)   ¬on(c,b)   ¬on(c,c)

Let's suppose that the above relation is defined as follows. This is almost the same as in Section 7.7 except that we have replaced an occurrence of on with above.

x.∀z.(above(x,z) ⇔ on(x,z) ∨ ∃y.(above(x,y) ∧ above(y,z)))

A sentence φ is consistent with a set Δ of sentences if and only if there is a truth assignment that satisfies all of the sentences in Δ ∪ {φ}. Say whether each of the following sentences is consistent with the sentences about on and above shown above. Be careful. It's tricky.

a. above(a,c)
b. above(a,a)
c. above(c,a)