CodeX Insurance Analyst  

Welcome to this demonstration of the CodeX Insurance Advisor. Click on one of the buttons below to get started.


Click here if you want to explore the system with fresh data.

This will overwrite any changes you made in previous sessions.


Click here if you want to resume a session you began earlier.

Your changes will be saved until you load fresh data.

What is going on here? In order to assure a repeatable demo, this demonstration system does not allow us to change data on the server. Instead, all changes are saved in the user's browser. If you click on the Refresh button, the system loads fresh data from the server and overwrites any changes you have previously made. If you click on the Resume button, you will see the data as you left it in your previous use of the system. Note that, since changes are recorded in your local browser, you are not able to see your changes in other browsers or on other machines.
