General Game Playing

Problem 2.3 - Prefix GDL

For each of the following pairs of expressions, say whether the expression on the second line is a faithful translation of the expression on the first line into Prefix GDL.

1. r(a,b) :- p(a) & q(b)
(<= (r a b) (and (p a) (q b)))

2. r(a,b) :- p(a) & q(b)
(<= (r a b) (p a) (q b))

3. r(x,y) :- p(x) & q(y)
(<= (r ?x ?y) (p ?x) (q ?y))

4. r(X,Y) :- p(X) & q(Y)
(<= (r ?x ?y) (p ?x) (q ?y))