General Game Playing
General Artificial Intelligence
- Prepare to trounce your opponents in next week's final competition.
- Using the manager link on the Games page of the Gamemaster website, play at least 5 different games between your player and at least one other registered player.
Submission details: Choose one of your players to use in the final competition and upload it to Gamemaster. Your player must be uploaded by 6:00 pm the day before class, and uploads will be disabled from then until 6:00 pm the day of class.
Prepare a report on the player you plan to use in the final competition. What is the overall architecture? What technique(s) does your player use at runtime? What form of metagaming, if any, does it do? Does your runtime procedure change in any substantive way based on the results of metagaming? Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of your player. On which games does it do well and on which games does it perform poorly. Why? Briefly describe the design decisions you made and why you made those decisions. Briefly describe your development and testing methodology? What would you do differently if you had more time? Try to keep your report down to one or two pages if at all possible. Post your report as a private post in the course Forum.